Vound W4 elearning Enrolment Agreement

By accepting these terms, the participant agrees to pay the Course fees (including all state, federal and local taxes) for the Course using the payment method selected on the enrolment form.

The participant accepts that he/she is required to pay the full amount of the Course fees even if he/she does not complete the Course.

The duration of the Course is stated on the course page in the course or will be supplied when you enroll.

Course commencement is the date upon which we receive your course fees in full.

Participants are unable to graduate from their course until course fees have been paid in full.

Course Enrolment

Course enrolment is complete when the participant has been issued a username and password for online course access/or sent course information via another method;

The duration is effective from the date elearning access/access to materials is granted; and

Course commencement is effective from the date elearning access/access to materials is granted.

Course Materials, Access and Assessment

Course Materials are supplied in an online environment, unless otherwise stated in the course description, and are available for viewing online and must not be downloaded;

The content of the online Course Materials, including copyright and all other such intellectual property rights contained therein, remain the property of Vound. You may not reproduce any part of the online Course Materials without the prior written consent of Vound;

You must not share your learning user names or password with anyone.

Course materials, course content and assessment are subject to change;

Course materials are provided online via our Learning Management System (LMS) 24/7 or via alternative means. The eLearning site may occasionally be unavailable during scheduled maintenance. In the event that our elearning system becomes unavailable, course materials will be provided by another mode of delivery;

Independent research beyond the course materials may be required to complete the assessments.

All assessments must be submitted online via the elearning system;

Elearning access to a course will be suspended at the conclusion of the set duration period for that course; and

Extensions available upon application (fees apply).

Vound Training Cancellation and Re-scheduling Policy

Vound undertakes to refund or transfer student training fees according to the following


Students wishing to cancel a training course are required to provide written notice a

minimum of 10 business days prior to the course date to receive a full refund.

Students wishing to re-schedule a course must notify Vound a minimum of 5

business days prior to the course date. A credit will be issued for attendance at a

future training course within 12 months of the original training date. Rescheduling is

allowed on a one-time basis only, with no further rescheduling permitted. If you do

not attend a training course within 12 months from the original training date the

entire course fee will be forfeited.

Cancellation and/or reschedule requests must be received in writing by email to

[email protected]. No other form of notification is valid. You are

responsible for ensuring that Vound receives and acknowledges your written


Cancellations made 5 or less business days prior to the course date, or failure to

attend, will result in forfeiture of the full course fee.

Students that cancel less than 5 days prior to the date of the course due to medical

reasons must supply a medical certificate. If a medical certificate is provided you are

entitled to a transfer to another training date. No refund will be provided.

Substitution of attendee may be made at any time. Attendee is responsible for

transfer of training material to alternative attendee.

Students that require new training material due to them being lost or updated after

receiving the original material are responsible for the costs associated with those

new training materials.

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they and their equipment is

ready prior to attending the course start time. Incorrect hardware or settings is not

a basis for cancellation.

Cancellation of confirmed private courses with less than 14 business days notice will

incur the cost of all non-recoverable costs for course setup, travel and instructor fees

unless otherwise agreed.


With regard to any materials that the Vound produces as part of any course you may enroll in.

You agree not to publish the content or themes without the express prior written consent of Vound; and

Disclose know-how, and any other confidential information in course.

The Student shall notify Vound immediately if it becomes aware of any disclosure in breach of the obligations in this clause. Students will take all such steps as are necessary to prevent further disclosure.

The provisions of this clause  shall be deemed effective from the date first presentation of a Project was made to the Licensor and shall remain in full force and effect for 10 years from that date.